Monday, January 2, 2023

Town of Kentwood 2023 Inaugural Ceremony

Left to Right: Councilman Gary Callihan, Councilman Paul Stewart, 
Mayor Irma T. Gordon, Councilwoman Jakoiya Wilkerson, Councilman Xavier Diamond,
Councilman Micheal Hall
The Town of Kentwood
Photo Credit: Dr. Antoinette Harrell

On December 31, 2022, the newly elected officials were sworn in. Irma T. Gordon has been elected mayor. In addition to her role as mayor, she served on the town council. Incumbent Rochell D. Bates pulled 49.4% of the votes, while she led by 50.6%. There was no doubt that the election was tight. 

Jakoiya Wikerson, Paul Stewart, and Michael Hall, newly elected town council members, were sworn in. Before the previous administration, both Michael Hall and Paul Stewart served on the town council. As members of the board, their experience of local government will be an asset. Council members Xavier Diamond and Gary Callihan were re-elected to serve another term. Michael Kazerooni, the current Chief of Police for the town, was unopposed in the election. 

Mayor Gordon seized the moment to speak about some of the issues she would address as mayor. She pointed out that she would be at City Hall on Tuesday, January 3, 2023 to start working. In addition, she stated that she would be available for all matters pertaining to town business affairs. She acknowledged her family, friends, and supporters.

The evening was moderated by former police chief James Rimes, followed by several local ministers and pastors. All elected officials pledged to uphold the laws, policies, and status that govern the town. Thursday, January 5, 2023 will be the first monthly meeting for this year and the new administration. 

As part of  her campaign promise, she promised to be very transparent and that city hall would be open to everyone. She said, "Yes, we should hold each other accountable." She promised to work with residents, businesses, and attract new businesses too Kentwood. 

A child's heart is filled with art

Kentwood Summer Campers Art Exhibit Jordan Wilkerson Photo Credit: ANTOINETTE HARRELL The benefits of art for children are numerous.  We sho...