Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Orange Grove Church of God In Christ Church History


Orange Grove Church of God In Christ
Photo Courtesy of Mrs. Ellice Womack
In the years of Nineteen Hundred and Nineteen (1919), the first Church of God In Christ  in Kentwood was founded under he direction of the Holy Spirit by Evangelist and Sister Joshua Coleman and Elder Herbert Atkins. They conducted a revival and the Lord Move on the hearts of Sister Emma Carter, a past church mother and Emma Buckhalter, who once served as secretary, Emma Warren and Julia Fason who accepted Holiness at that time. 

Former pastors were Elder Soloman Baker, Seniors Lazard, who built and dedicated the fist Holy church here. Fred Cage and Dan Barnes. Others who served faithfully, Sister Malinda Bruce, Mattie Cook, Lula Carter, and Lela Hookfin, who served as deaconess and also church mother.  The oldest serving saints who served down through the years, Sisters Ellice Mae Buckhalter Womack, and Susie Marie Hookfin Gordon. Again, under the direction of the Holy Ghost, Elder Alonzo Richardson, Jr., and Sister Josephine Richardson were sent to be the humble servants here. 

The church has flourished under the dynamic leadership of Elder Richardson, and the leading of the Holy Ghost. In October 1970 this beautiful edifice was erected, and furnished with a piano and organ. This church at one time was called a she church. Since that time the membership has grown enormously. Five deacons were installed, Brother Charlie Womack, Brother Cain Wall, Brother Robert Ross, Brother Johnny McCray, Sr., and  Brother Sampson Dumans. Later Brother Theodore Dunn and Brother Jessie Brumfield were added to the board of deacons.

Three young men were called the ministry: Minister John Armstrong delivered his first sermon on March 12, 1978, Minister Jimmy Richardson, December 10, 1978, and Minister Robert Allen, January 14, 1979, and a missionary, Sister Barbara Jean Hookfin.

Two district meetings were held here, several auxiliary functions and vacation bible schools have been conducted. The first cornerstone in the history of the church was laid on April 26, 1981.  A bus was purchased September 21, 1981, which is used to transport person to Sunday School and church locally and to various meetings out of town.

An addition was made to the church on March of 1983. Other first time events were: purchasing and dedicating chores robes.  A back home worship service, recalling past services and records under the supervision of the Hookfin family. Last recording of this history, but by no means the least, a sacrificial feast for the saints, given by the pastor and his wife, Elder and Sister Richardson, with his family and friends assisting in the services.

Written and Submitted by Mrs. Ellice Womack

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